

Privacy, Confidentiality and Other Policies

EarlyEd will protect your privacy and confidentiality at all times. We follow current Australian privacy laws. EarlyEd has policies and procedures in place to ensure all necessary regulations are met and our services follow current best practices. Click on the links below to view our policies:

For more information about Feedback & Complaints click here.

Our standards

EarlyEd Charter of Services
EarlyEd is committed to providing a high quality service for children and families that complies with legal, legislative, and funding requirements as well as best practices in early intervention, early education and disability sectors.

We adhere to:

  1. The standards of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission for all EarlyEd services.
  2. The NDIS Code of Conduct requires workers and providers who deliver NDIS supports to:
    • act with respect for individual rights to freedom of expression, self-determination, and decision-making in accordance with relevant laws and conventions
    • respect the privacy of people with disability
    • provide supports and services in a safe and competent manner with care and skill
    • act with integrity, honesty, and transparency
    • promptly take steps to raise and act on concerns about matters that might have an impact on the quality and safety of supports provided to people with disability
    • take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to all forms of violence, exploitation, neglect, and abuse of people with disability
    • take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct.
  3. The principles of Human Rights.
  4. All direct service delivery staff have:
    • relevant qualifications and are supported in ongoing development, training and education
    • meet the required legal checks such as Working with Children Check and Police Criminal Record Check
    • first aid training
    • a commitment to networking with other early intervention services and community organisations.

Child Protection

EarlyEd is committed to the safety of all children. All service staff are mandatory reporters and are required by law to report when they feel a child may be at risk of harm. EarlyEd has Child Protection Officers who ensure staff follow the required procedures. EarlyEd ensures that staff use child safe practices.

Family Rights and Service Charter

Policy Statement:

EarlyEd is committed to developing an organisational culture that supports the legal and human rights of children and families and ensures they are able to exercise those rights as outlined in relevant legislation including the:

  • Age Discrimination Act 2004
  • Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992
  • Racial Discrimination Act 1975
  • Sex Discrimination Act 1984

EarlyEd understands and supports the principles of fairness and human rights in all aspects of service delivery. It will ensure that services are provided in an environment free from discrimination, financial, sexual, physical and emotional abuse, neglect or exploitation.

EarlyEd will:

  • Provide a service charter with easily understood and accessible information to all families at service commencement about what the organisation does, how families can contact the organisation, clients rights, the service standards clients can expect and opportunities to provide feedback or make a complaint.
  • ensure families have access to a fair and transparent system for making complaints and for reporting any breach of their rights.
  • support families to exercise choice and participate in service delivery and direction
  • involve families in the development of policies and procedures that impact on their service.


The purpose of EarlyEd’s family rights and service charter is to ensure that families:

  • can access and understand information
  • have their rights met
  • are able to provide feedback or make a complaint
  • can able to make informed choices
  • are able to participate in planning, implementing and evaluating service delivery
  • can be involved in policy development.

The Charter

The charter outlines:

  • what EarlyEd does – services available to our clients
  • contact details and locations for EarlyEd
  • the standards of service that can be expected
  • children and family rights and responsibilities within your service
  • opportunities for feedback and participation
  • processes for making complaints and, if appropriate, appeals
  • opportunities to exercise choice and to participate in service decisions
  • the support provided to enable families to make choices and participate, including the use of interpreters, advocates, written materials in a variety of community languages, and culturally appropriate service strategies
  • how clients will be made aware of the charter