Find out if you and your child are “Ready or Not? for Toilet Training

Toilet Training Online

Find out if you and your child are “Ready or Not? for Toilet Training

Toilet training is a topic many families need advice about when their child has a developmental delay or disability. This is why EarlyEd started running a group parent training occupational therapy program over 10 years ago based on the original Are you Ready? toilet training program.  

Running this program as a group program with other parents made a significant difference to the readiness for toileting of each child involved.

There’s nothing like a group program for supporting parents while they learn ways to help their child. 

Why don’t you try this approach if you need advice about toilet training. You’ll learn more than just the information given in the session but also from each other. You’ll learn how to problem solve with others and be able to benefit from ideas from those who have similar challenges to you.

Over the years EarlyEd’s therapists have not only adapted the program based on new research evidence and professional knowledge from occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech pathologist and behaviour specialists. They have made adaptions based on the experience of the parents and carers who understand the reality of toilet training.

“If only my child could talk, they would be toilet trained.”

What does the Ready or Not? Toilet Training program involve?

Parents who join the program usually say their child may have a diagnosis of developmental delays or autism. You can use your NDIS funding because this is a therapy program as part of a group. It is cost effective as the pricing is lower when it is for a group program, and you get connection and insights from families as well as your occupational therapist.

 The format of the EarlyEd program, offered by our Occupational Therapist, involves 3 group sessions and 1 individual session and then other sessions if you want them as a follow up. After each group session you go away with ideas to try. This will help show you what will make the difference for your child.  It ends up being a cost-effective option that is very targeted but also very individualised to you and your child and family.

The focus of the EarlyEd online Ready or Not? Toilet Training program is exactly that. 

Is your child ready or not? 

Are you ready or not

Is the school or childcare service ready or not?

EarlyEd’s occupational therapist starts off looking at ways to help you be ready, because if you are then that will help your child to be ready

In the group session the OT presents material that shares up to date knowledge about the cognitive and physical ways children develop toileting. We then use this to help families understand the specific developmental needs of their child. The individual session involves creating specific plans and goals.

We don’t expect children to be toilet trained by the end of the program, but we do know that families have the strategies to make it easier for their child and easier on themselves and their families. 

At the last program 5 out the 7 families rated that they found the individual session very helpful in supporting you to identify where your child is at with toilet training, identifying which strategies to put in place and set goals.  

The following comments were made by families indicate how valuable they found the program of support. 

  • I think the program was successful in teaching me some fantastic new strategies, can’t wait to put them into practise. Thank you!
  • This was very insightful. Thanks a lot.
  • I would recommend this program. 
  • I would love to have the option of scheduling an additional individual session a month or so after completing the course for additional support after trialling more strategies. 
  • Great course very helpful. 
  • I would recommend this program. Namrita is very knowledgeable and helpful in starting our toileting journey.

Toilet training is tricky, and it is messy. It’s not always something everyone will want to talk about with their friends and family. Being part of a group program will give you an opportunity to set time aside to focus, share ideas and make a plan that will suit you and your family.  

For the dates of the next program:
Check the What’s on Calendar on our website or call us. We usually run sessions in March (before summer ends), and later in year August and October/ November.

EarlyEd offers other group programs so that parents and families can share ideas and learn together. 

Stepping Stones Triple P (Positive behaviour support)

Key word Sign (Assistive communication)

More Than Words (for children with Autism)

There are free programs as well:

  MyTime (at Kellyville, St Ives and North Sydney) 

Supported Playgroups (Auburn, Auburn North and Westmead)

An adapted short training session program can be for preschools, childcare and schools.

This is a common comment from parents trying to understand why toilet training is not going so well. They say that they feel that if their child could talk they’d be able to manage toilet training. Absolutely, it would help, but many children are toilet trained without being able to talk well. Parents can help their child learn how to communicate their needs and readiness. Parents need to be able to identify how and what a child is communicating about what they are experiencing or need. Often a toilet training program will involve setting up a toileting communication system for a child.

A child’s readiness will involve supporting areas of development of other skills too. They may need to learn how to follow a routine and be independent with managing their clothes.

What does the Ready or Not? Toilet Training program involve?

Parents who join the program usually say their child may have a diagnosis of developmental delays or autism. You can use your NDIS funding because this is a therapy program as part of a group. It is cost effective as the pricing is lower when it is for a group program, and you get connection and insights from families as well as your occupational therapist.

 The format of the EarlyEd program, offered by our Occupational Therapist, involves 3 group sessions and 1 individual session and then other sessions if you want them as a follow up. After each group session you go away with ideas to try. This will help show you what will make the difference for your child.  It ends up being a cost-effective option that is very targeted but also very individualised to you and your child and family.

The focus of the EarlyEd online Ready or Not? Toilet Training program is exactly that. 

Is your child ready or not? 

Are you ready or not

Is the school or childcare service ready or not?

EarlyEd’s occupational therapist starts off looking at ways to help you be ready, because if you are then that will help your child to be ready

In the group session the OT presents material that shares up to date knowledge about the cognitive and physical ways children develop toileting. We then use this to help families understand the specific developmental needs of their child. The individual session involves creating specific plans and goals.

We don’t expect children to be toilet trained by the end of the program, but we do know that families have the strategies to make it easier for their child and easier on themselves and their families. 

At the last program 5 out the 7 families rated that they found the individual session very helpful in supporting you to identify where your child is at with toilet training, identifying which strategies to put in place and set goals.  

The following comments were made by families indicate how valuable they found the program of support. 

  • I think the program was successful in teaching me some fantastic new strategies, can’t wait to put them into practise. Thank you!
  • This was very insightful. Thanks a lot.
  • I would recommend this program. 
  • I would love to have the option of scheduling an additional individual session a month or so after completing the course for additional support after trialling more strategies. 
  • Great course very helpful. 
  • I would recommend this program. Namrita is very knowledgeable and helpful in starting our toileting journey.

Toilet training is tricky, and it is messy. It’s not always something everyone will want to talk about with their friends and family. Being part of a group program will give you an opportunity to set time aside to focus, share ideas and make a plan that will suit you and your family.  

For the dates of the next program:
Check the What’s on Calendar on our website or call us. We usually run sessions in March (before summer ends), and later in year August and October/ November.

EarlyEd offers other group programs so that parents and families can share ideas and learn together. 

Stepping Stones Triple P (Positive behaviour support)

Key word Sign (Assistive communication)

More Than Words (for children with Autism)

There are free programs as well:

  MyTime (at Kellyville, St Ives and North Sydney) 

Supported Playgroups (Auburn, Auburn North and Westmead)

An adapted short training session program can be for preschools, childcare and schools.

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