What are you looking for in your next professional role?
Are you looking for an organisation that is family friendly, flexible and supportive?
EarlyEd is committed to finding ways for team members to have a role that matches their interests and skills while also developing areas that they would like to learn more about. Call us and talk to our team to find out if a role at EarlyEd might give you the job satisfaction you are looking for.
Working at EarlyEd allows you to learn and grow professionally as you walk beside children, their families and community, as part of their team. Regular interactions with your allied health and educator colleagues and opportunities for mentoring and development lead to the delivery of high-quality services. EarlyEd works closely with our local communities. By building close relationships with our community partners we create opportunities that lead to innovation.

EarlyEd’s commitment to developing and using professional skills based on the internationally recognised
Best Practice Guidelines in Early Childhood Intervention to our early childhood intervention services.

Does EarlyEd sound like the organisation that will offer you the team and type of part-time or full time role that you are looking for?
We are always keen to hear from practitioners interested in joining including:
- Speech Pathologists – Currently recruiting!
- Occupational Therapists – Currently recruiting!
- Physiotherapists
- Educators
- Behaviour Practitioners – Currently recruiting!
Come and join our vibrant team!
Make a difference in the lives of children (from babies to school age), experiencing developmental delays or disability, during their early years.
You will be able to support each child’s family as well as the services that support them in their community.
EarlyEd – well established in the sector
EarlyEd is a not-for-profit organisation that has been providing family-centred early childhood intervention since 1979.
Learn more about the children and families who have been supported by EarlyEd
EarlyEd: Advocates of
- recognition of service design that supports the diverse needs of children and their families giving children the best start in life and learning and
- improvements in the delivery of supports under NDIS.
Learn more about the range of services we offer and the innovative programs we have developed
Organisational Values - Driven Work Environment
EarlyEd’s values shape our organisational culture and the use of supportive workplace practices as well as continuous and shared improvement and learning.
These values underpin the way we support our families and partners, as we strive to deliver the highest quality services.
EarlyEd Values
- Respectful
- Accessible
- Responsive
- Inclusive
- Trusted
- Collaborative
- Informative
- Progressive
- Quality
Teamwork and Collaboration
EarlyEd recognises that the family is at the centre of early childhood intervention. We employ staff who have a strong sense of commitment to working as part of A Team Around Each Child, in partnership with families and in collaboration with different intervention professionals across varied learning environments. We appreciate the importance of working together in making sure every child can participate meaningfully and fully in whatever they are doing.
Commitment to Best Practices in Early Childhood Intervention
At EarlyEd, we share our skills and experiences within and outside the organisation to expand and build on knowledge within the early childhood intervention sector. We are committed to providing families with access to best practice (ECI Best Practice Guidelines & NDIS Best Practice) support in early childhood intervention to achieve the best possible developmental outcomes. We integrate evidence-based research into our services to ensure families can receive the most effective support to meet their goals.
Training and Development
EarlyEd fosters a workplace that is a positive, supportive, learning environment for career development. All of our staff have the opportunity to participate in a variety of courses, workshops and conferences that are relevant to early childhood intervention practices. Team meetings and Staff Development Days bring the team together to learn throughout the year. Regular Reflective Practice support is provided by your Team Leader and Supervision Sessions specific to each discipline.
New Graduate Program
We welcome new graduates to our EarlyEd GradsEd Program that includes practical hands-on learning and in-depth advanced skill development over a period of 12 months in your profession and in early childhood intervention. We create a personalised training plan that respects each person’s existing knowledge, experience and interests, with formal access to supervision and informal support as needed.
Community Partnerships
EarlyEd is committed to building meaningful connections to ensure children have access to every source of support in the community. We have dedicated staff who are involved in a number of collaborative projects with community groups, schools and councils. Our team is very involved in the early childhood intervention sector, NDIS, driving change in our communities and making sure the needs of children with a disability are recognised.
Benefits and Conditions
Family-friendly Workplace:
EarlyEd is a family-friendly employer and we provide a working environment that is supportive and promotes the health, safety and wellbeing of all our employees. We understand that offering flexible working arrangements and time off in lieu or overtime allows our staff to be able to have a better balance for work and home life.
Salary Packaging
We offer salary packaging so that our staff can use some of their salary to pay for everyday expenses before income tax is calculated. This means staff pay less tax and have more money to spend.
Buy Back Leave Scheme
We also offer a buy-back leave scheme that gives our employees the ability to use part of their annual salary to purchase additional annual leave during school holiday periods. This can assist employees with family responsibilities, study commitments or work life balance.

Join Us!
Please forward your CV to or call (02) 9923 2727 for more information.